Nature and horses - a super powerful combo for the soul
Spending time outdoors and in a green environment can have a lovely positive effect on well-being. Add to that a happy herd of horses and your own happiness can be greatly increased and your soul nurtured. Connecting with nature and animals, has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve mental health. Research shows that people who are more connected with nature are usually happier in life and more likely to report feeling their lives are worthwhile.
There is nothing I find more instant and effective to lift my own mood than stepping out into the paddock with my horses.
I love to hear them breath, graze and snort an out breath. They are such beautiful sounds and can bring me straight into the present moment. Nothing else seems a problem anymore. Racing thoughts slip away and there I am with Meg, Pocket and Winnie (Winston), the sound of birds and the breeze in the leaves. I can return to my day feeling more confident and relaxed about whatever it brings.
The Applewood Equines on new Spring grass. Happy Grazing Everyone!